Ψ GSDMC - Manis pentadactyla

Reference Gene:
GlossID Species Gene Loss Mechanism Loss Type Lineage Specific Evidence Accession Nr.
GL_WC2VGR Manis pentadactyla LOF (frameshift, premature stop, ss) Full Yes Genomic


Type Excerpt DOI
Timing of Loss "Numerous inactivating mutations were also retrieved, including mutations conserved between the novel genome assemblies of M. javanica and M. pentadactyla, such as a two-nucleotide deletion in exon 3, as well as two losses of splicing sites in exons 3 and 4" 10.1007/s00239-023-10118-z
Phenotypic "Gsdmb and Gsdmc, expressed in human keratinocytes, were also suggested to contribute to keratinocyte differentiation and cornification (Lachner et al.2017)." 10.1007/s00239-023-10118-z