Ψ TAS2R60 - Tursiops truncatus

Reference Gene:
GlossID Species Gene Loss Mechanism Loss Type Lineage Specific Evidence Accession Nr.
GL_CDLCDH Tursiops truncatus LOF (frameshift, premature stop, ss) Full Yes PCR & Sanger Sequencing Single XM_019933827.2


Type Excerpt DOI
Mutation Description "Based on sequence alignments against cow (Bos taurus) homologues, we identified multiple ORF-disrupting indels and premature stop codons in Tas1r1, Tas1r2, Pkd2l1 and in ten Tas2rs scattered among cetacean branches." 10.1186/s12862-014-0218-8
Timing of Loss "Shared inactivating mutations in Tas2r3, Tas2r38, Tas2r39 and Tas2r60 were all successfully mapped on the stem cetaceans, although Tas2r38 was successfully amplified in only five species. A 1 bp deletion in Tas2r3 (Additional file 3: Figure S6), a 2 bp deletion in Tas2r38 (Additional file 3: Figure S9), a 4 bp insertion in Tas2r39 (Additional file 3: Figure S10), and a shared TGA premature stop codon in Tas2r60 (Additional file 3: Figure S11) were identified, suggesting that the functional loss happened in the common ancestor of the cetaceans." 10.1186/s12862-014-0218-8
Other "SEE "Additional file 3: Figures S1-S11. Indels and premature stop codons in Pkdl21, Tas1r1, Tas1r2, Tas2r1-3, Tas2r5, Tas2r16, Tas2r38-39, and Tas2r60." 10.1186/s12862-014-0218-8

Curator Observations

Isolated sequences have been deposited by authors in GenBank [GenBank: KJ524713-KJ524837]

Related Glosses

GL_ID Symbol Species Order Gene Loss Mechanism Loss Type Lineage Specific Citation
GL_DD52BF TAS2R60 Tursiops truncatus Artiodactyla LOF (frameshift, premature stop, ss) Full Cetacea 10.1186/s40851-014-0002-z
GL_XIPWXG TAS2R60 Tursiops truncatus Artiodactyla Other Full No 10.1016/j.cub.2021.02.057