Ψ FGF22 - Balaena mysticetus

Reference Gene:
GlossID Species Gene Loss Mechanism Loss Type Lineage Specific Evidence Accession Nr.
GL_BFAHF4 Balaena mysticetus LOF (frameshift, premature stop, ss) Full No Genomic & Synteny maps


Type Excerpt DOI
Functional "FGF22 is preferentially expressed in the inner root sheath of the hair follicle40, but its role in hair development or maintenance is not yet clearly understood41" 10.1038/srep40233
Mutation Description "Unlike FGF3, independent nonsense or frameshift mutations that destroyed the highly conserved FGF domain were found in FGF22, a gene related with hair follicles, from all cetaceans examined." 10.1038/srep40233
Timing of Loss "FGF22 was pseudogenized after the divergence of the toothed and baleen whales (Fig. 1 and Supplementary Figs S3 and S4)." 10.1038/srep40233
Phenotypic "The parallel loss of FGF22 in cetaceans and African elephant indicates the importance of FGF22 in the maintenance or control of the density of hair in mammals." 10.1038/srep40233
Other "The independent, damaging mutations in baleen and toothed whales suggest that FGF22 was no longer necessary when the common ancestor of the cetaceans lost its body hair" 10.1038/srep40233