Functional |
"In Caniformia, traces of gradual gene degradation over evolutionary time could still be found when comparing the basal Canidae to more recent families (Fig. 4). Indeed, while Canidae typically lack only exons 3 and 5, two additional deletions caused the loss of exons 4, 7 to 9 and part of exon 10 after the UrsidaeCanidae split, as evidenced by the sequences of Ursidae, Pinnipedia and Ailuridae." |
10.1007/s10709-021-00113-x |
Mutation Description |
"Finally, an additional two internal deletions led to the losses of exon 2 and the coding region of exon 12 seen in Mustelidae, while in the single species of Mephitidae available, a large deletion has left only exons 1, 2 and part of exon 12’s non-coding region. The breakpoints involved in this deletion, as well as those for the two Mustelidae-specific deletions and the earlier deletion from intron 6 to exon 10, are still identifiable through sequence comparisons among the relevant species." |
10.1007/s10709-021-00113-x |
Timing of Loss |
"In Carnivora, none of the 63 species analysed had a functional gene, but there was a marked difference in the pattern of gene inactivation between the suborders Caniformia and Feliformia." |
10.1007/s10709-021-00113-x |