Ψ TAAR6 - Tursiops truncatus
Reference Gene:
GlossID | Species | Gene Loss Mechanism | Loss Type | Lineage Specific | Evidence | Accession Nr. |
GL_DB2W9B | Tursiops truncatus | Gene deletion | Full | No | Genomic |
Type | Excerpt | DOI |
Methodology & Validation | "The amino acid sequences of 15 mouse TAARs […] were used as queries and TAAR sequences were searched against the cow genome assembly using TBLASTN program ver. 2.2.25 [21] with e-value cutoff of <1e-20 and without filtering query sequences. All overlapping sequences of hits with the same orientations were merged. The sequences thus obtained were searched against the mouse protein database using FASTY. " | 10.1186/s40851-014-0002-z |
Curator Observations
Authors mention that cow possesses almost 1000 Olfactive Receptor genes, and minke whale and dolphin only 60 and 12 respectively, but they do not give details of which specific genes are lost. They also mention that "No intact V2R genes exist in the cetaceans and cattle (Figure 2), suggesting that this gene family was lost in the cetartiodactyl lineage before the cow-cetacean split, congruent with a previous report [52]. In contrast, cattle have 40 intact V1R genes whereas mysticetes have only two and odontocetes just one (Figure 2)"