Ψ UCP1 - Phocoena phocoena

Reference Gene:
GlossID Species Gene Loss Mechanism Loss Type Lineage Specific Evidence Accession Nr.
GL_8JGVE0 Phocoena phocoena Gene deletion Full No Genomic


Type Excerpt DOI
Functional "Genes associated with […] heat production by brown adipose tissue (UCP1) had unique changes that may contribute to marine mammal thermoregulation." 10.1073/pnas.2106080118
Mutation Description "[…] our newly sequenced cetacean genomes suggest that UCP1 is reduced to a pseudogene in baleen whales and lost in toothed whales" 10.1073/pnas.2106080118
Phenotypic "[…] the integrity of UCP1 gene affects the fate of brown adipocyte" 10.1073/pnas.2106080118

Curator Observations

See Sup figure 12