Reference Gene
Gene name | Alias | Species | Exons | Type | Paralogs | EC number | OMIM |
TAS2R9 taste 2 receptor member 9 | T2R9 , TRB6 | Homo sapiens | 1 | TAS2R13 , TAS2R14 , TAS2R36 , TAS2R33 , TAS2R19 , TAS2R20 , TAS2R50 , TAS2R45 , TAS2R43 , TAS2R31 , TAS2R30 , TAS2R46 , TAS2R10 , TAS2R42 , TAS2R8 , TAS2R7 , TAS2R38 , TAS2R3 , TAS2R4 , TAS2R5 , TAS2R1 , TAS2R41 , TAS2R60 , TAS2R16 , TAS2R40 , TAS2R39 | 604795 |
This gene product belongs to the family of candidate taste receptors that are members of the G-protein-coupled receptor superfamily. These proteins are specifically expressed in the taste receptor cells of the tongue and palate epithelia. They are organized in the genome in clusters and are genetically linked to loci that influence bitter perception in mice and humans. In functional expression studies, they respond to bitter tastants. This gene maps to the taste receptor gene cluster on chromosome 12p13. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]
Gene Loss events - TAS2R9 (4 results)
GL_ID | Species | Order | Gene Loss Mechanism | Loss Type | Lineage Specific | Citation |
GL_AB7WV1 | Pan paniscus | Primates | LOF (frameshift, premature stop, ss) | Full | No | 10.1093/molbev/msi027 |
GL_RM8SRX | Gorilla gorilla | Primates | LOF (frameshift, premature stop, ss) | Full | No | 10.1093/molbev/msi027 |
GL_VGRCOU | Papio hamadryas | Primates | LOF (frameshift, premature stop, ss) | Full | No | 10.1093/molbev/msi027 |
GL_Y2IQ1K | Bos taurus | Artiodactyla | LOF (frameshift, premature stop, ss) | Full | No | 10.1186/s40851-014-0002-z |