Reference Gene

Gene name Alias Species Exons Type Paralogs EC number OMIM
KLK8 kallikrein related peptidase 8 NP , HNP , NRPN , PRSS19 , TADG14 Homo sapiens 6 protein-coding GZMK , GZMA , CFD , AZU1 , GZMM , PRSS57 , CMA1 , GZMH , CTSG , GZMB , KLK3 , KLK2 , KLK1 , KLK6 , KLK15 , KLK13 , KLK14 , KLK11 , KLK7 , KLK4 , KLK5 , KLK9 , KLK10 , PRSS37 , PRSS58 , KLK12 605644


Kallikreins are a subgroup of serine proteases having diverse physiological functions. Growing evidence suggests that many kallikreins are implicated in carcinogenesis and some have potential as novel cancer and other disease biomarkers. This gene is one of the fifteen kallikrein subfamily members located in tandem in a gene cluster on chromosome 19. The encoded protein may be involved in proteolytic cascade in the skin and may serve as a biomarker for ovarian cancer. Alternate splicing of this gene results in multiple transcript variants encoding different isoforms. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2013]


Gene Loss events - KLK8 (12 results)

GL_ID Species Order Gene Loss Mechanism Loss Type Lineage Specific Citation
GL_YWZWN7 Balaenoptera acutorostrata Artiodactyla LOF (frameshift, premature stop, ss) Full 10.1093/gbe/evx239
GL_YYMOP2 Physeter catodon Artiodactyla Other Full No 10.1038/s41467-018-03667-1